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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA

' gender stereotyping' Search Results


Gender differences in mathematics learning outcomes are still evident in many countries participating in large scale international testing, as well as in national testing in Israel, the context in which the study reported here was conducted. The participants were 281 students from three Israeli elementary schools and were in grades 4 and 6. The students completed a questionnaire with items based on a selection of variables included in explanatory models for gender differences in mathematics. It was found that many students held gendered beliefs related to mathematics learning, particularly when the questions asked related to themselves or to significant others in their lives (parents and teachers); the views of the majority of students were gender neutral. When presented with two photographs -a man, and a woman- and asked who was the one more likely to work with mathematics, it was clear that the students’ choices and explanations echoed perceptions of mathematics as a male domain.

description Abstract
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Pages: 867-876
cloud_download 492
visibility 700
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This study explores the extent to which the gendered views exist among students in Kosovo’s compulsory education (primary and lower secondary schools) regarding mathematics and reading. It analyzes students’ perceptions of these academic domains concerning the performance of their peers (the same others) from the gender perspective. Additionally, it examines students’ perspectives on the opinions of their parents and teachers (their significant others) regarding girls’ and boys’ performance in math and reading. Furthermore, the study investigates whether students hold gender-stereotypical attitudes toward professions related to math and those that heavily rely on reading skills. The survey method was used to conduct this study. A sample of 531 students in compulsory education participated in this study, completing a paper-based questionnaire consisting of 14 items evenly distributed between mathematics and reading. The findings indicate that around half of the respondents believe that girls and boys perform equally well in both mathematics and reading and that parents and teachers hold the same views regarding the performance of their children/students in these academic domains. However, among the remaining portion of respondents who expressed gendered views, a higher percentage favored boys as being more proficient in math, while girls were seen as superior in reading skills. This study emphasized the need to address and mitigate these gender stereotypes, to ensure that students of both genders can pursue their careers successfully without any limitations.

description Abstract
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Pages: 249-261
cloud_download 118
visibility 180
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